Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Able leader

Reminiscing about the entire SriLanka-LTTE episode, my entire attention was demanded by the actions of one man. In a time of international pressure and Natinal difficulties, Mahinda Rajapaksha deserves accolades.

Standing tall among the ruins of the wasted efforts over the past twenty years, he did what no one else dared to do before him. He took the initiative and pressed forward wihtout regard to the international damnation to which he and his entire nation would be condemned to in the face of failure.

Today as he stands victorious, many of his country men pat him on the back, but just as easily these could have been the very people who could have publicly condemned him for taking a decision on their behlaf.

His recent interviews to the Hindu and the Times leaves you in awe of the man. You know he speaks the truth- a bitter truth. A political situation is the best option-if both sides are reasonable. When any side of a discussion is dominated by hardliners who will resort to violence, someone must take the responsibility to put things right.That if terrorist organisations are surviving today, it is due to the weakness of the home governments to some extent. It takes nerves of steel and guts of adamantium to pull of what he has in the island nation.

And what leaves the west staring is his outrageous openness and pointed questions at their own campaigns. If the war against the Taliban as a terrorist organisation is justified why not the LTTE which has been identified in many countries, including the largest in the world, as a terrorist organisation? His reply to the threat of sanctions was remarkable in its bravery-some would call it foolishness. "Why do oyu punish the people for the decision of one individual? If they want to punish me they will find ways of doing it. And now that I have said it they will."

where does all of this leave us?
Every so often in our own lives we are faced woth making decisions for others. Against their own wills because you KNOW in your heart that this is the right course of action. You KNOW that this is how things are meant to be. At those points we must take the initiative without fear of failure because we know then that the outcome is assured. Victory becomes an inevitability in such times.

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