Sunday, July 11, 2010

The chase

I knew something was off. My gut knew.
The day was too dark and gloomy and the sounds and smells that accompanied it seemed to be coordinating a harmonious cover up, the strings being pulled by a greater, darker force.
The smell that offended , nay attacked my olfactory apparatus was one i could not immediately place as one of freshly rotten juniper berries thriving with the closest equivalent of the undead our planet affords.
Like a thief scurrying for cover, it immediately hid it itself behind a facade of aromas of Indian delicacies.
But it had been noticed.
And it knew. And I knew It knew.
It held its characteristic breath, fearing if and praying that never would its life breath become a tolling knell for its own death rattle.
I smiled. I would enjoy the chase.

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