Human psychology has always interested me. I think it was ever since i took the psychometry test that said I could be a psychiatrist or a detective( I ended up in REC trichy.... If anyone can make anything of that please let me know. you can call me at 9787333333)
A lot many times I ponder about the importance of 'emotions'. As we evolved over time, natural selection(Creationists can log off right about now.) somehow decided that it might be a nice idea to develop our mental faculties to embrace emotions. but looking through time, we do notice that often we have acted as creatures of the heart rather than logic. this undermines every scientist's fundamental belief that reason is the highest form of inquiry into the laws of the universe. (Except monsiuer Pascal who wagered otherwise. [xkcd totally rocks man!]).
If reason does indeed take this pride of place, should emotions be curtailed by those seeking a page in the annals of history? If reason is not the supreme authority and if emotions take that crown, this raises even more questions, such as, Does the universe "feel"? Are there ways it circumvents its own laws in times of "distress"?
awesome dude
i dont know if i am right but i feel emotion has its own does somtimes precede is the way we look at things,the way we prioritise them
strong stuff myt......guess its coz of all da free tym yo getin engineerin ........ @ yor questins....."The Universe does feel...its feelings are a mirror of your own :)... as for seeking a page in the annals of history- just follow your heart just as Santiago did..desire somethin with your heart an da whole world will CONSPIRE for you to achieve it.." ofcoure kudos on your blog......
btw my psychometry test showd i wud be best in agri :)...
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